All of your body’s systems depend on water for proper body operation, making it the essence of life. Almost 70% of our body is made up of water. Thus, hydrating our bodies is a necessity, not a choice!

The body uses water for the following essential purposes:
- Transfer of blood cells, hormones, enzymes, platelets, waste products, nutrients, and hormones
- Supplies the cells with oxygen
- Safeguards internal organs
- Aids in eliminating toxic poisons
- lubrication of mucosal membranes, food (saliva), joints, and the digestive tract
- Body temperature control. maintains homeostasis
- Makes bowel movements easier
- Aids in preserving the structural uniformity of bodily cells
- The tissue linings of the nose, mouth, and eyes are moistened.
Simply put, dehydration occurs when our body doesn’t get enough water to function correctly. It can range from mild to severe. Every day, our bodies lose 1.5 to 2.5 litres of water. Throughout our daily routine behaviors, such as sweating, urinating, fecating, and salivating, small amounts of water are always lost. Intense exertion, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy perspiration can all lead to moderate to severe dehydration. Other causes include diabetes, the use of diuretics, and excessive urination.
“Since approximately 70% of our body is water, it is imperative that we stay hydrated. Every day, our bodies lose 1.5 to 2.5 litres of water. To survive, this regular water loss must be replenished.”

The first question, is how do you know if you are Dehydrated? You will begin to experience sensations like
- Dry lips and mouth
- Urine with a yellowish tint
- Fatigue
- Reduced frequency of urination
- Dizziness
- Constipation
- Confusion
Here, we’re concentrating on athletes and bodybuilders who become dehydrated as a result of strenuous exercise and excessive sweating.
Dehydration in Athletes
Dehydration is a common cause of sports-related injuries. In most competitions, whether they involve endurance sports, team sports, power and sprint sports, or weightlifting, dehydration is recognized to negatively affect an athlete’s performance. When the body is dehydrated by more than 3%, it can cause major issues and raises the risk of heat stroke in warm or humid weather.
“Everyone, especially athletes, should be aware of the need of staying hydrated before and after strenuous exercise as well as for general health and wellbeing. It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day rather than waiting until it’s too late.”

Drinking Less Water and Athletic Performance
During competitions and training sessions, athletes often perspire 6%–10% of their body weight more than usual. Dehydration has the following negative effects on performance as a whole:
- A rise in body temperature
- Not paying attention
- Decision-making challenges Higher muscle glycogen consumption
- A lack of balance and talent
- Reduced lubrication of joints
- Disorientation
- Increased tiredness
- Performance, both mental and physical, overall decreased
Now consider how crucial it is to replenish our fluids, especially for an athlete! . a………… This hydration advice should be helpful in this regard:
- Make sure to drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water per day, which is 34 ml per kilogram of average adult body weight.
- Keep in mind the urinal color rule. The lighter the color of your pee, the more hydrated you are!
- By selecting the appropriate time or a shed or indoor place, you can modify training in a hot, humid climate.
- Check your weight before and after a workout. A loss of 1-3% of body weight on average was a marker of dehydration brought on by thirst.
- Be on the lookout for indicators of poor performance, such as decreased energy, increased thirst, vertigo, dry mouth, hot flashes, and dizziness.
- Try to drink water throughout the training session in the form of simple water, water with electrolytes added, protein drinks, workout boosters, juices, etc.
- After exercising, refill your body with water or whey shakes and sit somewhere cool, indoors, or in a shed.
- Incorporate a lot of items that are hydrating in the diet, such as fruits, vegetables, salads, etc.
- With the help of sports gels, sports drinks, whey proteins, and other products, you may reduce electrolyte losses in today’s world of hydration. Nevertheless, depending on the type, duration, and intensity of your exercise, you may also want to consider using other forms of hydration as well.
- It is important to raise awareness among athletes about the potential effects of dehydration, which in turn impacts both their general health and performance.